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Ning Xiu Paige Sakurai is Keung's intrepid and hyper active 21 year old sister.

Ning Xiu Sakurai


Sometime in 2008 Ning Xiu was kidnapped by a vendictive ex-family friend. Guo Sun saw the man shoving a 5 year old Ning Xiu into a red 4-door 2009 sedan and speeding off. Three years later a cop named Matt Parkmen noticed a vehicle doing 70 in a 33 mile per hour zone and proceeded to do a routine traffic stop. Upon giving chase he notices a now 7 year old Ning Xiu secretly waving for help. Upon realizing who she was and who he was called in back up and capturing the driver and returning Ning Xiu home to her family.

Ning Xiu Sakurai: A Journey of Resilience and Transformation

Early Life:

Ning Xiu Sakurai was born in the vibrant city of Shizuoka, Japan, on a crisp autumn day. Growing up, she was surrounded by the loving embrace of her parents, Hiroshi and Miyuki Sakurai, who instilled in her a sense of curiosity and wonder. Ning's childhood was filled with exploration and discovery, her inquisitive nature leading her to develop a deep love for art, literature, and the natural world. She spent countless hours sketching in her notebook, capturing the beauty and emotions that surrounded her.

Adolescence and Encounter with Abuse:

As Ning entered her adolescent years, she faced a series of tumultuous experiences that would forever shape her path. At the tender age of 14, she found herself entangled in an abusive relationship, a painful period that cast a dark shadow over her life. Drawn in by false promises and manipulated by a cunning individual, Ning's innocence was shattered, and her world was thrown into chaos.

During this time, Ning experienced a rollercoaster of emotions, ranging from fear and confusion to isolation and despair. The challenges she faced seemed insurmountable, as she struggled to break free from the chains that held her captive. The abuse affected not only her emotionally and psychologically but also strained her relationships with friends and family, isolating her further.

Escaping the Abusive Relationship and Rebuilding:

With immense courage and the support of a few trusted friends, Ning finally found the strength to break free from the abusive relationship that had held her captive for far too long. She sought solace in a local community resource dedicated to supporting survivors of abuse, where she found a safe space to heal and rebuild her life.

During this challenging period, Ning adopted various coping mechanisms, including therapy, support groups, and creative expression through art. She learned to redefine her worth, to rebuild her shattered self-esteem, and to embrace the power of self-love. Through the guidance of mentors and the unwavering support of her loved ones, Ning discovered her resilience and found her voice once again.

Life Post-Abuse and Personal Growth:

Ning's journey towards recovery and personal growth was marked by resilience and determination. With each passing day, she took small steps towards healing, rediscovering her passions, and reclaiming her identity. She pursued higher education, immersing herself in psychology and counseling, driven by a deep desire to help others who had experienced similar hardships.

Her own experiences shaped her perspective on relationships, and she committed herself to creating healthy boundaries, seeking mutual respect, and fostering open communication. Ning's story of survival transformed her into an advocate for survivors of abuse, raising awareness about the signs, the impact, and the importance of support systems.

Present Life and Future Aspirations:

Now, at the age of 20, Ning Xiu Sakurai stands as a beacon of strength and resilience. She is pursuing her dream of becoming a licensed therapist, determined to make a positive impact in the lives of those who have endured trauma. Ning finds solace and joy in sharing her story, inspiring others to find their own strength and embrace the transformative power of self-love and healing.

In her personal life, Ning has found love and support in her fiancé, Gao Luoyang. Together, they navigate life's challenges with compassion, understanding, and unwavering support for each other's personal growth and dreams. Ning cherishes their loving relationship as a testament to the healing and growth she has achieved, emphasizing the importance of healthy and nurturing partnerships.

As Ning embraces her present and envisions her future, her dreams and ambitions remain intertwined with her mission to bring healing and hope to others. She aims to establish her own counseling practice

, creating a safe haven for those in need of support and guidance. Ning envisions a world where survivors of abuse find their voices, reclaim their lives, and stand tall in their resilience, and she is committed to making that vision a reality.


Shelby has neck length silky blonde hair an deep blue eyes. Ron calls her Shelby the Beautiful for this reason. She is 59.0 inches tall and weighs 91.3 ibs.


Ning Xiu Sakurai possesses a captivating blend of intelligence, resilience, and compassion, making her a truly remarkable individual. At her core, she is driven by a genuine desire to make a positive impact on the lives of others. With an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Ning approaches every opportunity as a chance for personal growth and understanding.

Ning's intelligence shines through in her sharp analytical skills and keen problem-solving abilities. She possesses a natural curiosity that fuels her constant quest for knowledge, always seeking to broaden her understanding of the world and uncover new insights. Her intellectual prowess is complemented by a meticulous attention to detail, enabling her to excel in academic pursuits and unravel complex concepts with ease.

Despite the challenges she has faced, Ning exudes an unwavering resilience that serves as an inspiration to those around her. She has triumphed over adversity and emerged stronger, channeling her experiences into a catalyst for personal growth and a deep empathy for others. Her strength lies in her ability to rise above difficult circumstances, using her own journey to motivate and uplift those who may be facing their own challenges.

One of Ning's most defining traits is her boundless compassion. She possesses a genuine empathy for the struggles and hardships of others, offering a comforting presence and a listening ear to those in need. Her compassionate nature extends beyond mere sympathy; she actively seeks to understand the perspectives of others and offers support and encouragement to help them navigate their own paths.

Ning's strong moral compass guides her actions, as she consistently strives to do what is right and just. She holds a deep belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, treating others with respect and kindness. This integrity is at the core of her character, guiding her decisions and interactions with unwavering authenticity.

In social settings, Ning's warmth and approachability create an inviting atmosphere for those around her. She has a natural ability to connect with others on a deep level, forming meaningful relationships built on trust and understanding. Her genuine interest in people allows her to create safe spaces for open and honest conversations, fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance.

As a result of her own personal journey, Ning possesses a profound resilience and a remarkable capacity for personal growth. She approaches life with a sense of purpose and determination, never losing sight of her goals or her commitment to making a positive impact in the world. Her unwavering belief in the transformative power of compassion and education drives her to constantly strive for excellence and inspire those around her.

In summary, Ning Xiu Sakurai is an extraordinary individual characterized by intelligence, resilience, compassion, integrity, and a deep thirst for knowledge. Her personal journey has shaped her into a beacon of hope and inspiration, embodying the transformative power of empathy and the unwavering strength of the human spirit.

Powers & Abilities[]

Main article: Ning Xiu Sakurai/Abilities and Gear


Main article: Ning Xiu Sakurai/Relationships